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Kitab Zabur Asli.pdf

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Kitab Zabur Asli.pdf

Torah is clear, and so is Gospel, but what is meant by "the Scripture"Maulana Abdul Majid Daryabadi seems to represent the safe and common position, "therevealed Books in general". (Tafsir-ul Qur'an, vol. 1, pg. 227.) The word for"Scripture" in Arabic furnishes no clues because it is al-kitab, thegeneric word used for any holy book including the Koran. But since it is so generic,perhaps we could say the Scripture includes the writings which speak of Elijah (HazratIlyas), Elisha (Al-Yasa), Ezekiel (Dhul-Kifl or Hizkil), Jonah (Hazrat Yunus), etc.However, these could also be comprehended in a more general understanding of Tawratto signify "the Jewish Scriptures", including the Tawrat proper, thePsalms and writings, and the Prophets.

Kitab Zabur (bahasa Arab: زبور, translit. Zabūr) disamakan oleh sebagian ulama dengan Mazmur, yang menurut agama Islam, adalah salah satu kitab suci yang diturunkan sebelum kitab Al-Qur'an (selain kitab Taurat dan kitab Injil).[1]

Istilah zabur adalah persamaan dengan istilah Ibrani zimra, bermaksud "lagu, musik." Ia, bersama dengan zamir ("lagu") dan mizmor ("mazmur" atau psalm), merupakan derivasi zamar, artinya "nyanyi, nyanyikan pujian, buatkan musik." 1e1e36bf2d


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