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Ir Spectra Software Free 12

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if the sample is a solid (e.g., rock) it should be crushed or pulverized so as to break up the lumps and facilitate subsequent sample preparation. if the sample is in liquid (e., mineral oil) it should be placed on a pre-chilled glass slide. the top of the slide should then be cut off to create an airtight seal. the remaining solid sample should be then placed on the slide and the liquid should be carefully poured over it. the slide should be quickly placed on dry ice and then a cover slip should be placed over the slide to ensure that the sample is not exposed to air. once the sample is frozen, it should be removed from dry ice and placed in a -80&degc freezer. the cover slip should then be carefully removed from the slide and the slide should be placed on a cold surface (e., a cardboard box with dry ice) and stored at -80&degc until ft-ir data collection is performed. if the sample is very small it should be placed on a pre-chilled slide and kept in a standard zip-lock bag, which should be immediately placed on dry ice.

when the sample has been frozen and stored in a -80&degc freezer, the ft-ir spectra should be recorded within one month. ft-ir spectra collection should be performed using the same methodology as described in the "methods" section. if the sample has been frozen and stored at a lower temperature (e.g., -20&degc), it is suggested that the frozen sample be transferred to a -80&degc freezer for ft-ir collection to ensure that the sample remains frozen during the collection process.

once the ft-ir spectra have been recorded, the spectra should be pre-processed using baseline correction. baseline correction refers to the removal of the baseline from the raw data by subtracting an average baseline from the entire spectra. if the spectra are collected in a vacuum, then the baseline should be subtracted using the procedures described in the "data acquisition" section. if the spectra are collected in air, then the baseline should be subtracted using the procedures described in the "data acquisition" section. after baseline correction, the spectra should be smoothed using the savitzky-golay algorithm. 3d9ccd7d82


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