12.03.21- Today in the early hours of the morning 77 lucky dogs travelled to Germany. Loving homes await them all!
A number of dogs under our care are travelling too and we can’t wait to see them with their families ! (Linda, Lex, Bruno, Buba, Lucia and Fenix!) More updates soon!
Thank you SALVA Hundehilfe e.V. , Hundehilfe Spanien e. V. Ana BL, Prodean Animal Shelter La Linea, Natalia Muñoz Umbria, SOS PPP Los Barrios - Perros Potencialmente Perfectos for all that you do !
I also have a dog at home. And I love to breed dogs. I go to a post that specifically mentions dogs. Now let me talk about fashion and suggest you to use this NY Jets Dark Green Jacket in this winter season.