Piscibus.rar | Checked |LINK|
The :checked CSS pseudo-class selector represents any radio (), checkbox (), or option ( in a ) element that is checked or toggled to an on state.
piscibus.rar | checked
All bag fees are non-refundable and apply per person, at each check-in location, each way, even if you purchase or get an upgrade that includes free checked bags. If you believe you've been incorrectly charged for bag fees, contact an American representative for help or file a refund claim within 45 days.
All bag fees are non-refundable and apply per person, each way, even if you buy or get an upgrade that includes free checked bags. If you believe you were incorrectly charged for bag fees, contact an American representative for help or file a refund claim within 45 days.
The checked and unchecked statements specify the overflow-checking context for integral-type arithmetic operations and conversions. When integer arithmetic overflow occurs, the overflow-checking context defines what happens. In a checked context, a System.OverflowException is thrown; if overflow happens in a constant expression, a compile-time error occurs. In an unchecked context, the operation result is truncated by discarding any high-order bits that don't fit in the destination type. For example, in the case of addition it wraps from the maximum value to the minimum value. The following example shows both the same operation in both a checked and unchecked context:
The behavior of user-defined operators and conversions in the case of the overflow of the corresponding result type can differ from the one described in the previous paragraph. In particular, user-defined checked operators might not throw an exception in a checked context.
The checked and unchecked statements and operators only affect the overflow-checking context for those operations that are textually inside the statement block or operator's parentheses, as the following example shows:
At the preceding example, the first invocation of the Multiply local function shows that the checked statement doesn't affect the overflow-checking context within the Multiply function as no exception is thrown. At the second invocation of the Multiply function, the expression that calculates the second argument of the function is evaluated in a checked context and results in an exception as it's textually inside the block of the checked statement.
If you don't specify the overflow-checking context, the value of the CheckForOverflowUnderflow compiler option defines the default context for non-constant expressions. By default the value of that option is unset and integral-type arithmetic operations and conversions are executed in an unchecked context.
Constant expressions are evaluated by default in a checked context and a compile-time error occurs in the case of an overflow. You can explicitly specify an unchecked context for a constant expression with the unchecked statement or operator.
Your first two checked bags fly free at Southwest (weight and size limits apply). Skis1 and golf bags2 may also fly free, and surfboards fly free in Hawaii.3 Each additional bag and any oversized bag (more than 50 pounds or larger than 62 inches) is $75 per item, one-way. See restrictions and limitations below.
1Snow ski equipment includes: one pair of skis or one snowboard, one set of poles, and one pair of ski/snowboard boots encased in a container(s) acceptable to Carrier. When submitting ski equipment for one free bag, Southwest Airlines allows up to two bags (containing one set of snow skis, ski poles, and snow boots) to count as one item, even if they are packed and tagged separately. 2A golf bag can be substituted for one checked bag. Weight limits apply. 3Surfboard bag containing a surfboard(s) when traveling on flights between the islands of Hawaii can be substituted for one checked bag. Weight limits apply.
Active-duty Military Passengers with a current, valid military ID will be exempt from the two-piece Baggage limit and will not be subject to excess, oversize, or overweight Baggage charges, provided that none of the pieces of Baggage exceeds 100 pounds in weight and 80 inches in size (L+W+H). Bags in excess of 80 inches cannot be checked as baggage, however they can be shipped as Cargo if the Customer is a Known Shipper.
Unless a Southwest Airlines Employee determines that damage is due to normal wear and tear, Southwest Airlines is liable for the loss or damage of protruding parts of luggage and other articles of checked baggage (e.g., wheels, feet, pockets, hanger hooks, pull handles, straps, zippers, locks, security straps).
The liability of Southwest Airlines (if any) for the loss, damage, or delay in delivery of carryon or checked baggage is limited to the proven amount of damage or loss, not to exceed $3,800.00 per fare-paying Customer, including Customers traveling on Southwest points tickets, unless, at the time of check-in, the Customer has declared the value of the baggage to be in excess of $3,800.00 and purchased the appropriate excess valuation. Excess valuation cannot be declared on items subject to a limited release of liability.
Please make sure you tag each checked bag with your personal information. This will help us return the bag to you in case it gets lost. Personal luggage tags should include the owner's full name and phone number. Learn more about our policies for lost or damaged baggage.
The TSA screens all checked baggage for your security. Unlocked bags can be examined quickly. If your checked baggage is locked and TSA cannot open it through other means, then the locks may have to be cut.
Neither Southwest Airlines nor the TSA is liable for damage caused to locked bags that must be opened for security purposes. (We highly recommend that you do not pack the following items in your checked baggage: cash, jewelry, electronics, laptop computers, fragile items, medications, car keys, and important documents.)
Because e-cigarettes are designed to operate by creating heat, they must be placed in a carryon bag or with you onboard. E-cigarettes aren't allowed in checked bags. Don't forget, you cannot use e-cigarettes onboard.
Note: All lighters are prohibited in checked bags, unless they adhere to the Department of Transportation exemption, which allows up to two fueled lighters if properly enclosed in a DOT approved case.
We currently prohibit self-defense sprays on any flight regardless if it is checked or carried on. Please see the TSA's website for a list of prohibited items. Lithium batteries that are damaged, defective, or recalled for safety reasons are not allowed in checked baggage, carryon baggage, or cargo. 350c69d7ab